However, Mohg stole Miquella's sleeping body away, and has been waiting for him to wake up since, hoping to become his consort and gain power through their union. Cursed with eternal youth and unable to reach adulthood, Miquella tried to cure both his own curse and his sister's rot by creating the Haligtree and entering a coma inside a cocoon.

The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC promotional image shows a blonde-haired figure on top of Torrent, approaching the burnt Erdtree. Who is the blonde figure on Torrent in Shadow of the Erdtree? Not to mention that the Colosseum update arguably fulfills the criteria of being the first DLC - so now we're in uncharted territory. If these examples set a precedent, it suggests that if there is going to be Elden Ring DLC in the future, we'd probably at least hear about it within a year - though that's pretty speculative. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: 1 year, 7 months to Free Update content.Dark Souls 3: 7 months to Ashes of Ariandel DLC.Bloodborne: 8 months to The Old Hunters DLC.Dark Souls 2: 3 months to Crown of the Sunken King DLC.Dark Souls: 11 months to Artorias of the Abyss DLC (released as part of the Prepare to Die edition, it took another 2 months on top of that to become purchasable individually).The best we can do at this point is to look at past FromSoftware games and compare their release dates with their first DLC's release dates, to see how long it took them to come out.

Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has no officially announced release date yet, as the first press announcement simply described it as "in development".